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इश्क़ की इंतिहा थी, इसलिये खामोश हो गए,

ज़ुबां से कहना चाहा मगर, आँखों से बयान हो गए।


In the dimly lit room, far removed from the bustling noise outside, two men sat in silence. Their expressions were grave, the weight of their thoughts evident in the furrowed lines of their brows. The air was thick with tension, each man lost in his own contemplation.

The first man, his voice barely above a whisper, finally broke the silence. "I never imagined it would come to this. But I have no choice now." His gaze was fixed on the floor, his words laced with a mix of resignation and determination. "They’ve threatened me—threatened her. I can handle whatever comes my way, that’s part of the job. But the thought of her being in danger... I can’t bear it. I won’t allow it."

He paused, drawing a shaky breath, before continuing. "There was a time when I set everything aside to help you. Today, I come to you, asking—no, begging for your help." His voice trembled as he folded his hands in front of the other man, his eyes pleading. "Please, help me protect her."

The second man, his eyes softening with understanding, leaned forward. "You don’t have to fold your hands or beg," he said firmly. "You’ve done so much for me; I would never turn my back on you now. I’m ready to help, no questions asked."

He placed a reassuring hand on the first man’s shoulder. "I give you my word—she will be safe. I will take her under my protection, and my family will guard her with their lives. No harm will come to her while she’s with us."

Tears welled up in the first man’s eyes, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over him. He managed a trembling smile. "Thank you... I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life."


The music's vibrant beats echoed through the room, filling it with an infectious energy. Suhana, dressed in a vibrant lehenga, was the first to step forward. The moment "Chikni Chameli" began to play, she owned the space, her movements sharp and confident as she swayed to the rhythm.

Bichoo mere naina, bichoo mere naina

Kaatke tere rang rangeela peela peela hue re...

Her hips moved fluidly, her smile lighting up the room as she danced with a flair that drew cheers from the other girls. Adrisha, who had been watching from the side, couldn't resist the magnetic pull of the music. A playful grin spread across her face as she joined Suhana, the two of them sharing a moment of unspoken camaraderie.

As the music transitioned into "Sheila Ki Jawani," Adrisha took center stage, her movements graceful yet filled with an undeniable sultriness. The famous lyrics echoed through the room as she led the dance.

My name is Sheila, Sheila ki jawani

I’m too sexy for you

Main tere haath na aani...

Adrisha's hips swayed sensually, perfectly mimicking the iconic moves, her playful glances making Suhana laugh. Suhana quickly joined her, and together they created a dynamic and mesmerizing duet, their energy infectious.

The atmosphere shifted as "Munni Badnaam Hui" began to play. The rest of the girls, unable to hold back any longer, rushed to join Suhana and Adrisha on the dance floor. Aadriti, Prisha, and Kaashvi, all jumped in, forming a lively circle. Their moves were cheeky and bold, embodying the playful spirit of the song.

Munni badnaam hui

Darling tere liye

Munni badnaam hui

Darling tere liye...

Their laughter filled the room as they danced with wild abandon, teasing and encouraging each other. The older women, Amrita, Asha, and even Kalyani, were playfully pulled into the dance, much to their surprise and amusement. The girls then turned their attention to Ambika, dancing around her with mischievous smiles, making her blush and laugh along with them.


Aarav’s face twisted into an expression of sheer disbelief as he watched the laptop screen. “What the hell is this?” he burst out, his voice tinged with frustration and incredulity. His eyes were glued to the screen, where a chaotic dance performance was unfolding. His disbelief was palpable, his earlier annoyance now escalating into visible irritation.

Beside him, Anant shook his head in disgust. “So this is what they were planning all along—kicking us out so they could indulge in this nonsense?” His tone was laden with disappointment and frustration. “We get thrown out just to make room for this absurd display? It’s beyond ridiculous.” Anant’s exasperation was clear as he leaned back, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

Aniket, who had been anxiously watching his heavily pregnant wife Ambika, finally let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God Ambika isn’t dancing,” he said, his voice heavy with worry. “With her being so far along in her pregnancy, it would be absolutely dangerous for her to be jumping around like that.” His concern for her safety was evident in his furrowed brow and the way he glanced towards her, hoping she remained unaffected by the ruckus.

Amaiy’s gaze was fixed intently on Suhana, who was dancing with boldness and flair. Her movements were electrifying, filled with confidence and energy. Amaiy’s eyes followed her every step, clearly mesmerized by her performance.

Eshaanth, however, found his focus shifting to Adrisha. His heart began to pound faster as he took in her presence on stage. She looked absolutely captivating, her beauty enhanced by the way she moved with an effortless grace. Her smile was radiant, lighting up the room and making her even more alluring. Eshaanth’s eyes were drawn irresistibly to the way her waist moved rhythmically with the music. It was as if her every motion was choreographed to capture his attention. Despite the internal conflict raging within him, he couldn’t bring himself to look away.

His feelings were a storm of confusion and frustration. Here was Adrisha, someone he viewed as his enemy, stirring feelings in him that he didn’t want to acknowledge. His hatred for her clashed violently with the undeniable attraction he felt. It was as if he was trapped between two opposing forces—one pulling him towards admiration and the other towards loathing.

In a moment of intense frustration, Eshaanth made a decisive move. He slammed the laptop shut with a sharp, forceful motion. The sudden action caused an immediate stir among the others, who began to protest loudly, their voices rising in a chorus of complaints. Yet, Eshaanth’s fierce, penetrating glare silenced them instantly.


After the God Bharayi ceremony, Suhana had urged the Tangled Tribe to stay a little longer, leading Adrisha to bid goodbye to her family. As she was leaving, her grandmother, Kalyani, placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and said, “Remember, Eshaanth is elder—don’t pick any fights with him.” Her father, who had been unusually tense for weeks, seemed to exhale a long-held breath of relief, patting her head with a small smile. Her mother followed with a brief but warm embrace before they departed.

The Raichands decided to stay as well, and soon the entire group found themselves sprawled out in the theater room, exhaustion seeping into their bones after the long, eventful day. A movie played on the large screen, but most of them were too tired to pay attention. Suhana and Kaashvi were asleep, legs intertwined as they cuddled up on one of the sofas. Anant and Aarav were knocked out cold on the floor, and only Aadriti and Prisha remained awake, whispering quietly to each other.

Feeling a sudden thirst, Adrisha quietly slipped away to the kitchen. The house was silent, with only the soft hum of the refrigerator breaking the stillness. She opened the fridge, the cool air brushing her face, and reached for a bottle of water. As she turned to pour herself a glass, she froze—suddenly feeling the weight of someone's gaze on her. Her body tensed, instincts kicking in as she readied herself to react. But when she looked up, her defenses lowered. It was only Eshaanth, leaning against the doorway, his intense gaze locked onto her.

Eshaanth hadn’t expected to see her in the kitchen at this late hour. He had come down for some quiet and perhaps a midnight snack, not anticipating this encounter. His eyes involuntarily traced the curve of her waist, now covered by her casual clothes, but the memory of how she looked earlier lingered. He quickly averted his gaze, internally chastising himself for letting his thoughts stray.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice calm yet betraying a hint of surprise. He tried to hide the fact that he had been staring, but his question came out a bit too abrupt.

Adrisha raised an eyebrow, sensing his unease. “Cycling,” she answered dryly, her tone flat as she took a sip of water.

“Cycling?” he repeated, confusion evident in his voice.

“Yes, cycling,” she said, setting down the glass with deliberate slowness. “I’m holding a bottle of water, so obviously, I’m drinking it. What kind of absurd question is that?”

He rolled his eyes, not in the mood for banter but unable to suppress a smirk. “Can’t you just answer the question straightforwardly?”

“I did, didn't I?” she shot back, her eyes glinting with mischief as she settled onto a nearby stool. There was a certain confidence in her tone that made him shake his head in exasperation, though the corners of his lips quirked up ever so slightly.

“What are you doing here, then?” she asked, her curiosity genuine this time. She hadn’t expected him to be up at this hour either.

“Swimming,” he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm, but there was a playful light in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips. “Copying me, are you?”

This time, he couldn’t help the small smile that spread across his face. He let out a low hum in response, moving to the counter where he began to take out ingredients. Adrisha watched in silent curiosity as he started to chop vegetables, his movements fluid and precise.

“I’m making pasta,” he explained, glancing at her briefly before returning to his task.

Adrisha’s eyes widened slightly. “You can cook?” she asked, her interest piqued. But even as she asked the question, her gaze drifted down to his hands—strong, sure, and covered in intricate tattoos that seemed to move as his muscles flexed. There was something oddly mesmerizing about the way his hands worked with such effortless grace.

Eshaanth, aware of her stare, felt a strange mix of self-consciousness and satisfaction. He wasn’t used to being watched like this—especially not by someone like Adrisha, who usually had a sharp retort ready at all times. The fact that she was so captivated by something as mundane as his cooking made his heart skip a beat. He didn’t understand why, but the intensity of her gaze made his pulse quicken.

“Well, you learn a few things when you’re living abroad,” he said with a casual shrug, trying to keep his voice steady. He could feel her eyes on him, and it stirred something unfamiliar within him—a fluttering sensation in his chest that he couldn’t quite shake.

Adrisha didn’t respond, too absorbed in the sight before her. His hands moved with an elegance that was almost hypnotic, and she found herself unable to look away. The way the tattoos on his forearms flexed with each motion, the precise way he chopped the vegetables, the quiet confidence in his movements—it all fascinated her in a way she hadn’t anticipated.

Eshaanth could feel the weight of her admiration, and it unsettled him. They were supposed to argue, to clash like they always did, not share this strange, quiet moment of connection. And yet, as he continued to cook, he found that he didn’t mind her presence at all. In fact, he found it oddly comforting.

Within fifteen minutes, the pasta was ready. Eshaanth took pride in the fact that the kitchen was spotless—he had cleaned as he cooked, something he had always done out of habit. He plated the pasta into two dishes, the rich aroma filling the air. As he set the plates down, Adrisha looked at him, puzzled. There was no one else in the kitchen, so why had he made two servings?

But when he slid one of the plates toward her and sat down beside her, realization dawned. She stared at him, confusion evident in her eyes.

“Eat,” he said, his voice low, almost a whisper. The way he spoke, with a mix of authority and gentleness, sent a shiver down her spine.

“You want me to eat this?” she asked, still trying to wrap her head around the situation. After all, this was Eshaanth Raichand, the same man she had clashed with just this morning, now sitting beside her, offering her food he had cooked himself.

“No, I want you to wear it as a hat,” he replied dryly, a hint of sarcasm lacing his tone. But there was a softness in his eyes, a warmth that hadn’t been there before.

Adrisha blinked, genuinely confused. “But why would I do that? It’s food, isn’t it?”

Eshaanth chuckled, a deep, rich sound that sent her heart into overdrive. It was the first time she had seen him laugh so freely, and it took her by surprise. The sight of his smile, so genuine and unguarded, made her cheeks flush a deep shade of red.

“Just eat,” he said, still chuckling. The sound of his laughter was infectious, and despite herself, Adrisha found a small smile tugging at her lips.

As they began to eat, a comfortable silence settled between them. Adrisha couldn’t help but steal glances at him, noting how his features softened in the warm light of the kitchen, how his tattoos seemed even more striking up close. Every now and then, his fingers would brush against hers as they ate, sending little sparks through her skin. She tried to focus on her food, but the sensation of his hand, so close, so tangible, kept drawing her attention back to him.

Eshaanth, too, was keenly aware of her presence. He could feel the way her gaze lingered on him, and it made his heart beat a little faster. There was something about the way she looked at him—both with curiosity and something else, something he couldn’t quite place—that made him feel both nervous and exhilarated. When he finally spoke her name, it was almost an unconscious act, but the effect was immediate.

“Let me,” he said, taking the plates from her before she could protest.

“I can wash my plate,” she insisted, standing up to join him at the sink.

He moved closer, trapping her between the sink and his body, making her breath hitch. Adrisha’s heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, a tension that neither of them fully understood but both were acutely aware of.

“I said I’ll do it, Adrisha,” he murmured again, his voice low and steady. The way he spoke her name, so intimately, sent shivers down her spine.

Adrisha's breath caught in her throat as he moved closer, his voice still resonating in her ears. The way he said her name, with that gentle yet commanding tone, made her stomach flutter. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, his presence overwhelming and intoxicating. It was as if the entire world had shrunk down to just the two of them, standing there in the dim light of the kitchen.

Her eyes flicked down to his hands again, noticing how close they were to hers, how easily he could close the distance between them. The thought made her pulse quicken, and she found herself inexplicably drawn to the idea. But the intensity of the moment also left her feeling vulnerable, something she wasn’t used to.

Eshaanth noticed the way her gaze lingered on his hands, and it only deepened the fluttering in his chest. He could tell she was flustered—he could see it in the way her breathing had quickened, in the slight tremble of her fingers. The realization sent a thrill through him. He liked seeing her like this, off-balance, uncertain. It was a side of her he hadn’t seen before, and it fascinated him.

“Adrisha,” he said again, this time more softly, as if testing how it would sound on his lips. He liked the way it rolled off his tongue, the way it seemed to draw her attention so completely. He leaned in just a little closer, his breath warm against her skin. “Are you always this stubborn?”

His words were teasing, but the underlying warmth in his tone made her heart race even faster. Adrisha tried to muster a response, but the way he was looking at her—so intently, as if she were the only person in the world—left her tongue-tied.

Eshaanth watched as her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink, the sight stirring something protective within him. He found himself wanting to keep her in this state of flustered uncertainty, to see how far he could push her before she pushed back. The thought amused him, but it also made him realize just how much he enjoyed this interaction with her—how much he was beginning to enjoy her.

Finally, Adrisha managed to find her voice, though it was softer than usual. “I’m not stubborn,” she said, her eyes meeting his in a silent challenge, though there was a hint of playfulness in her tone. “I just don’t like being told what to do.”

Eshaanth raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by her defiance. “Is that so?” he replied, his voice dropping to a low murmur that sent shivers down her spine. He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face, his fingers grazing her skin lightly. The simple touch sent a jolt of electricity through her, making her feel more flustered than ever.

“Yes,” she said, her voice faltering slightly as she tried to maintain her composure. But the way he was looking at her, the way he was standing so close, made it nearly impossible to think straight. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and it took every ounce of willpower not to lean into him, to close the remaining distance between them.

Eshaanth could sense her struggle, and it only made his smile widen. He liked the effect he had on her—liked knowing that he could make her feel this way. But more than that, he liked the way she made him feel—alive, aware, and, for the first time in a long time, completely in the moment.

“I’m sorry,” Eshaanth finally said, his voice steady but soft, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. He noticed the slight widening of her eyes, the way her expression shifted from curiosity to surprise.

“Huh?” Adrisha’s voice came out a bit higher-pitched than she intended, her surprise evident. She hadn’t expected him to say that, not now, not after the strange but pleasant turn their interaction had taken tonight.

“I said, I’m sorry,” he repeated, taking a step closer to her. “I shouldn’t have manhandled you that day. It was wrong, and I’ve felt guilty about it ever since.”

His words were sincere, and she could see the remorse in his eyes. Those grey orbs that always seemed so unreadable were now filled with a genuine apology, making her heart soften. Adrisha hadn’t expected an apology from him; she had thought that incident would just become another unsaid thing between them, a mark of the tension they often shared. But hearing him apologize, and seeing how much it meant to him, made her feel something she hadn’t felt towards him before—a deep respect.

“I forgive you,” she said quietly, offering him a small, tentative smile. It was the first time she had smiled at him like that, without sarcasm or frustration. The simplicity and sincerity of her smile made Eshaanth’s chest tighten with an unfamiliar warmth.

“Goodnight, Miss Mishra,” he said, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He liked how this night had unfolded, how they had managed to share a moment that wasn’t filled with their usual bickering.

“Goodnight, Mr. Raichand,” Adrisha replied, her tone lighter, more at ease. But inside, her thoughts were anything but calm. The way he had said her name, the way he had looked at her with those intense eyes—she couldn’t shake the feeling it gave her. It was as if he had seen a part of her that no one else had, and it both thrilled and terrified her.

As she turned to leave the kitchen, she felt his eyes on her back, a silent acknowledgment that something had shifted between them. They might still be on opposite sides in many ways, but tonight had proven that there was more to their dynamic than just friction. There was something deeper, something neither of them fully understood yet, but both were slowly beginning to recognize.

Eshaanth watched her go, feeling a mix of emotions that were hard to define. He knew he had done the right thing by apologizing, but more than that, he realized he genuinely cared about how she felt. The way she had looked at him with those wide, surprised eyes—the way her cheeks had flushed slightly when he had said her name—stirred something within him. It was a feeling he hadn’t expected, but now that it was there, he couldn’t ignore it.

As he finished tidying up, Eshaanth found himself thinking about her, about how her presence had filled the room with an energy that lingered even after she had left. He had always seen her as a challenge, someone who got under his skin in a way that no one else did. But now, he wondered if there was more to it—if maybe, just maybe, she was getting under his skin because he was beginning to care.

Meanwhile, Adrisha lay down, pulling the blanket up to her chin as she tried to settle her racing thoughts. Eshaanth had surprised her tonight, and not just with the apology. It was the way he had interacted with her, the way he had looked at her, spoken to her. It was different from their usual confrontations, and it made her wonder if there was more to him than the arrogant, infuriating man she had come to know.

As sleep finally began to take over, a small smile played on her lips. Maybe, just maybe, things between them were beginning to change. And as for Eshaanth, he too found himself smiling as he settled into bed, his thoughts still lingering on the way her name had sounded when he had said it. For the first time in a long time, they both went to sleep with a sense of peace, each secretly looking forward to what the next day might bring.


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