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हमेशा नहीं होती ज़िंदगी में जीत हार, 

कभी-कभी प्यार में भी होती है बराबर की टक्कर। 

जब दिलों की टकरार से मुस्कानें बढ़ें, 

तब समझो प्यार में भी है कोई शुमार।


Everyone entered Adrisha's room and found her sprawled out in a starfish position on her bed, completely at ease in her slumber. Her peaceful, almost childlike appearance brought a wave of affection through the group, but Kaashvi, ever the mischievous one, saw an opportunity. She stealthily pulled out her phone and snapped a few less-than-flattering pictures of Adrisha, already envisioning the playful teasing that would follow once Adrisha woke up. The others exchanged knowing smiles, amused by the antics that were sure to ensue.

Adrisha's room was a vivid reflection of her multi-faceted personality, a space where her diverse interests were on full display. One side of the room highlighted her intellectual side, with a wall adorned with meticulously organized handwritten notes. These notes, filled with detailed diagrams and complex equations, spoke of her deep interest in astronomy and aeronautical science. The shelves beneath were stacked with textbooks and journals on these subjects, their spines well-worn from frequent use. This side of the room stood as a testament to her studious nature, showcasing a young woman deeply committed to understanding the mysteries of the universe.

Next to the academic books was another collection that revealed her love for fiction. Shelves were crammed with novels from various genres, with a particular focus on romance, mystery, and fantasy. These books were more than just stories to Adrisha; they were gateways to other worlds. The well-worn covers and dog-eared pages of series like Harry Potter and Twilight hinted at countless nights spent lost in magical tales and thrilling adventures. From classic love stories that made her heart race to mysteries that kept her on the edge of her seat, these books provided a balance to the rigorous studies on the other side of the room, offering her a place to escape and dream.

On the opposite side of the room, Adrisha’s love for K-pop was on full display. The walls were covered with vibrant posters of her favorite idols, their images radiating energy and charisma. Shelves were packed with an impressive collection of K-pop albums, each one carefully arranged by group and era. Merchandise from concerts and fan events filled every nook and cranny, from light sticks to plushies, each item holding sentimental value. Among all the posters, one stood out above the rest—a large, central poster of Kim Taehyung, the idol she affectionately referred to as the "love of her life." His intense gaze seemed to follow anyone who entered the room, a silent guardian of her private sanctuary.

This duality in Adrisha's room—the meticulous organization of her academic pursuits and fiction collection on one side and the vibrant, almost chaotic celebration of her K-pop fandom on the other—offered a glimpse into her complex character. She was someone who could delve into the intricacies of science, escape into the fantasy worlds of her favorite books, and find immense joy in the beats and melodies of her beloved music. This room wasn't just where she slept; it was a reflection of the worlds she inhabited, both in her mind and in her heart.

Suhana smirked as she tiptoed closer to the bed, eyeing the cover that was haphazardly thrown over Adrisha. With a swift tug, she yanked the cover off, making Adrisha groan in protest. But to everyone's disappointment, Adrisha simply rolled over and buried herself deeper into the mattress, her determination to stay asleep stronger than their playful attempts to wake her.

Aadriti, not one to give up easily, pulled out her phone with a mischievous grin. She connected it to the room's sound system, her fingers flying over the screen as she selected a song. Moments later, the room was filled with the loud, upbeat tune of "Jo Ladki Subah Nahi Chhodegi Bistar, Wahi Banegi Apne Boyfriend Ki Sister," a cheeky track that had everyone giggling at the absurdity of the lyrics. The choice of music was too perfect, a playful jab at Adrisha's stubborn refusal to wake up.

Adrisha, buried under her pillow, heard the music blaring through the room and felt the chaos unfolding around her. But instead of giving in, she just groaned louder, tightening her grip on the pillow and covering her head with it. She had only gone to bed at four in the morning after binge-watching an entire K-drama series, and right now, sleep was non-negotiable. She needed more sleep—end of discussion.

Prisha, however, was not about to let Adrisha win this round. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on the water jug sitting innocently on the nightstand. An idea sparked, and she nudged Aarav, who was already grinning in anticipation. Prisha quickly snatched the pillow away from Adrisha’s grasp, making her mumble something incoherent as she desperately tried to grab it back. But before she could, Aarav had taken the water jug, a wicked smile spreading across his face.

Without missing a beat, Aarav tilted the jug and dumped the water right onto Adrisha's face with a dramatic splash. The effect was instant. Adrisha shot up from the bed, eyes wide with shock as she yelled, "Tsunami!" Her panicked reaction only fueled the others’ laughter, their chuckles turning into full-blown belly laughs as they doubled over, clutching their sides. Adrisha, drenched and disoriented, blinked in confusion before realizing what had just happened.

"You guys are the worst!" she sputtered, wiping the water from her face as she glared at her friends, who were now practically rolling on the floor, unable to contain their amusement. The sight of Adrisha’s bewildered expression, combined with her dramatic wake-up call, had them laughing like maniacs, their morning mission finally accomplished.

“Now get ready quickly in 15 minutes, babygirl, before we drag you to the shopping mall ourselves,” Suhana sassed, her voice carrying a playful yet commanding tone as she winked at Adrisha. The rest of the group nodded in agreement, laughing as they filed out of the room, leaving Adrisha groaning in frustration. She collapsed back onto the bed, burying her face in the pillow, wishing she could steal just a few more minutes of sleep.

But she knew them well. If she didn’t move, they wouldn’t hesitate to come back and literally drag her out. With a resigned sigh, Adrisha pushed herself out of bed, her limbs heavy with exhaustion. She stumbled toward her wardrobe, settling on a comfy yet stylish dungaree that gave her the perfect blend of a youthful, college-girl vibe. The denim clung snugly to her figure, accentuating her natural charm. She paired it with a simple white t-shirt, her favorite sneakers, and pulled her hair into a messy ponytail that somehow still looked effortlessly cute.

She grabbed her phone and wallet, her eyes still half-lidded with the remnants of sleep, and shuffled out of her room. The frown on her face deepened as the bright sunlight hit her, only to be met with a chorus of grins from her friends. They couldn’t help but chuckle at her obvious displeasure at being woken up so early.

“All set, Sleeping Beauty?” Aarav teased, earning him a playful glare from Adrisha.

They all turned to bid a warm goodbye to Kalyani, who stood at the doorway with a fond smile on her face. Adrisha leaned down and kissed her grandmother's soft, wrinkled cheek. “I’ll be back soon, Dado,” she whispered, feeling the comforting warmth of Kalyani’s hand on her arm.

“Enjoy, beta. And don’t let them spend all your money!” Kalyani joked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. The group shared a laugh before piling into the car.

The ride to the mall was anything but quiet. Adrisha’s friends were in high spirits, their laughter and chatter filling the car with an infectious energy that slowly began to rub off on her. Despite her initial grogginess, Adrisha found herself smiling as she listened to their banter. They teased each other mercilessly, recalling inside jokes and planning out their shopping spree.

On the way, they made a pit stop at a cozy little café, knowing that Adrisha couldn’t function without breakfast. The café, with its rustic charm and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, was the perfect spot for a quick bite. As soon as they walked in, the group scattered, arguing over what Adrisha should eat. It quickly escalated into a playful battle, with each of them determined to order her favorite dish.

“Guys, calm down!” Adrisha laughed, trying to mediate as they each pulled her in different directions.

In the end, they all compromised, ordering a bit of everything. Adrisha ended up with a feast in front of her, from buttery croissants to a hearty bowl of oatmeal, along with a steaming cup of coffee to kickstart her day. She ate quickly, knowing they were eager to hit the shops, but couldn’t help but appreciate the effort her friends put into ensuring she was well-fed and ready for the day.

Once they arrived at the mall, the sight of the towering glass structure and the throngs of people bustling in and out made her feel a bit more awake. The mall was one of the largest in the city, with endless shops spread across multiple floors, each promising a different kind of retail therapy. Aarav took charge of the situation, pulling out his phone and dialing Ambika.

“Hey, where are you guys?” he asked, waiting for her to answer. After a moment, he nodded, “Got it, we’re heading up.”

“They’re on the fifth floor,” he informed the group, and with that, they made their way to the escalators, eager to dive into the day’s shopping adventure. The mood was lively, filled with the promise of a fun day ahead as they chatted about what they planned to buy, their laughter echoing in the vast atrium of the mall.

Adrisha, though still a bit drowsy, felt her spirits lifting with every step. The day might have started rough, but with her friends around, she knew it was going to be a memorable one.

When they arrived at the shop on the fifth floor, a wave of warmth and familiarity greeted them. Amrita, with her motherly instincts in full swing, immediately approached Adrisha, pulling her into a gentle embrace. “Adrisha, I’m truly sorry for Eshaanth’s behavior earlier,” she said, her voice laced with concern and a hint of guilt.

Adrisha, taken aback by the apology, felt a pang of guilt herself. She returned the hug, her heart softening. “Aunty, please, there’s no need for that. It’s all fine, really. You don’t need to apologize for him,” she reassured, offering a small, understanding smile. Yet, deep down, the discomfort lingered between them, even as Adrisha tried to brush it aside.

With that settled, the group dived into their shopping spree, turning the store into a lively hub of activity. The women moved from rack to rack, pulling out clothes, holding them up for opinions, and laughing at the more outrageous options. Adrisha found herself in her element, naturally slipping into the role of a fashion advisor. She helped everyone find clothes that suited their styles, her keen eye for fashion evident in the way she matched outfits with accessories.

As the hours passed, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and camaraderie. Soon, the door to the shop opened, and Amaiy Rajvanshi, Eshaanth’s best friend, entered with a broad grin, followed by Eshaanth and Aniket. The women greeted them warmly, but the moment Adrisha’s eyes landed on Eshaanth, her heart gave a little jolt. Their eyes met briefly before both looked away, pretending not to notice each other. The tension between them was palpable, a silent agreement to keep their distance despite the unresolved emotions simmering beneath the surface.

Once the ladies were done with their shopping, they decided to head over to the men’s section. The atmosphere was still light and cheerful, with everyone teasing and joking as they browsed through the clothes. Aarav, as usual, was more interested in his phone than in choosing clothes for himself. Without looking up, he handed the responsibility over to Adrisha. “Aadu, help me out here, will you? I’m kind of busy,” he said casually, his fingers tapping away at his phone.

Adrisha sighed, rolling her eyes at his typical behavior. She didn’t bother arguing, knowing it was pointless. Instead, she began browsing through the racks, searching for something that would suit Aarav. She moved slowly, her eyes scanning the rows of kurtas, her mind focused on finding the right one. After a few moments, her gaze landed on a beautiful baby blue kurta. The soft color was complemented by intricate embroidery along the collar and cuffs, giving it a refined yet youthful look. It was perfect for Aarav.

Just as Adrisha reached out to take the kurta, another hand shot out from the opposite side, snatching it up. Startled, she looked up and found herself staring directly into Eshaanth’s face. His expression was unreadable, his eyes fixed on her with a cold, distant look that made her heart sink.

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the tension between them thickening. Then, Eshaanth’s grip on the kurta tightened as he pulled it towards himself, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I like this one. Leave it,” he said, his voice low and commanding.

Adrisha wasn’t about to back down. She met his gaze with a determined look of her own, her fingers wrapping tightly around the fabric. “You leave it,” she shot back, her tone steady, but laced with defiance.

Eshaanth’s jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with irritation. “I said, leave it. Choose something else.”

“You choose something else,” Adrisha retorted, her voice calm but firm. The air between them crackled with the intensity of their stubbornness, neither willing to give an inch.

The others in the group noticed the standoff and watched with growing interest. This was the first time any of them had seen Eshaanth react this way—usually so calm and composed, yet now clearly agitated. It was a side of him they hadn’t seen before, and they couldn’t help but be curious about what was really going on between him and Adrisha.

Aarav, who had been observing the scene with a smirk, leaned in closer to Aadriti, who was blushing beside him. “This is getting good,” he whispered, clearly enjoying the unexpected drama.

The tug-of-war over the kurta continued, neither Eshaanth nor Adrisha willing to back down. The fabric stretched between them as they both pulled, the tension in the air thickening with every passing second. Their stubbornness only fueled the silent battle of wills, each one determined not to let the other win.

But then, in the heat of the moment, Adrisha’s footing slipped. She lost her balance, her body tilting forward as she let out a small gasp of surprise. Instinctively, Eshaanth reached out, his arm wrapping around her waist to steady her. His grip was firm yet gentle, holding her securely against him.

Adrisha’s hands, in her attempt to steady herself, landed on Eshaanth’s chest, just above his heart. For a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, caught in an unexpected and intimate embrace. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to stand still as they stared at each other, the tension between them shifting into something else entirely—something neither of them could quite define.

Eshaanth found himself unable to look away, his gaze tracing the delicate features of her face. Her small, oval face was almost doll-like, framed by her big hazel eyes that seemed to hold the mysteries of the world. Her nose, a cute button, added an endearing charm to her expression. His eyes lingered on her lips—pink, full, and inviting, the kind that could easily hold a secret smile. A small mole rested just beneath her chin on the left side, a unique detail that drew his attention.

Standing at 6'3", he towered over her petite frame, her height barely reaching his chest. She couldn't be more than 5'3", but her small stature only added to her adorability. In this quiet moment, he realized just how beautiful she truly was—a beauty that went beyond the surface, captivating him in a way he hadn't anticipated.

Eshaanth could feel the rapid beat of his heart under her touch, his breath catching in his throat as he looked into her eyes. Adrisha, equally stunned, felt her own heartbeat quicken, her mind struggling to process the emotions flooding through her. It was as if, in that brief moment, they were seeing into each other’s souls, the unresolved feelings they had been suppressing rising to the surface.

The rest of the group was equally stunned, watching the scene unfold with wide eyes. Amrita and Ambika exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. This was the first time they had ever seen Eshaanth like this—so unguarded, so openly vulnerable. The sight of him holding Adrisha with such care filled them with a mix of hope and excitement.

Amaiy, noticing the growing tension, couldn’t resist breaking the silence. With a playful grin, he called out, “You can leave Adrisha now, bhai,” his voice filled with teasing amusement.

Amaiy’s words seemed to jolt Eshaanth and Adrisha back to reality. They quickly stepped apart, the spell between them broken. Adrisha’s cheeks flushed a deep red as she avoided Eshaanth’s gaze, embarrassed by how close they had been. Eshaanth, for his part, straightened up, his expression hardening as he tried to regain his composure, though his heart was still racing.

The others continued to watch, their curiosity only growing stronger. But for now, the moment had passed, leaving behind a lingering tension that hinted at the unresolved feelings between Adrisha and Eshaanth. It was clear to everyone that there was something more between them, something neither of them was ready to admit.

The next hour flew by with Amaiy and Aarav constantly throwing teasing remarks at both Adrisha and Eshaanth. Each comment made them more annoyed and flustered. Every time Adrisha tried to focus on the shopping or simply get through the day without more awkward moments, Aarav would crack another joke or Amaiy would add fuel to the fire, making it nearly impossible for her to keep her cool.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they all found themselves seated in a cozy corner of the KFC, hoping for a bit of respite. Adrisha, feeling particularly exasperated, shot Aarav a fierce glare as she tore into her sandwich. “Will you please cut it, Aarav? He just helped me. You already know we hate each other,” she said, her tone sharp enough to cut through the noise of the busy restaurant.

Eshaanth had stepped away to take a phone call, giving Aarav even more freedom to poke fun without the risk of being silenced by his elder brother’s stern glares. Sensing an opportunity, Aarav leaned back in his seat, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Arzzz kiya... Exercise ko Hindi me kehte hain kasrat. Exercise ko Hindi me kehte hain kasrat, aur ishq ki pehli seedhi hain nafrat,” he quipped, his voice laced with a poetic flair. The entire group burst into laughter, with Amaiy and Aadriti even high-fiving Aarav for his quick wit.

Adrisha groaned, burying her face in her hands, partly in frustration and partly to hide the small smile that was creeping onto her lips despite herself. The teasing was relentless, and while it annoyed her, she couldn’t deny that there was a certain warmth in the camaraderie they all shared.

But the light-hearted banter came to a sudden halt when Eshaanth returned to the table, his sharp eyes landing directly on Aarav. His expression was stern, but there was a playful edge to it that only his younger brother would recognize. “Aarav, shut it if you don't want me to beat your arse up,” Eshaanth warned, his voice calm yet commanding.

Aarav immediately straightened up, his grin faltering for a moment. “Bhai, I was just—” he began to protest, but Eshaanth had already taken his seat, cutting off any further argument with a pointed look. Aarav sighed dramatically but didn’t push his luck any further, though he did shoot Adrisha a playful wink as if to say, “This isn’t over.”

Across the table, Adrisha met Eshaanth’s gaze, and for a brief moment, they were both caught in each other’s eyes. It was as if time slowed again, just like it had earlier in the store. Neither of them spoke, but the air between them was charged with an unspoken tension. The others noticed the exchange but wisely chose not to comment, allowing the moment to pass without interruption.

After they finished their lunch, the group headed back to the stores, this time focusing on accessories. Adrisha, still annoyed with Aarav, made a point to ignore him as they browsed through the jewelry and watches. But Aarav was not one to be easily deterred. He took every opportunity to pester her, whether it was by pulling gently on her hair, poking her in the side, or making silly faces behind her back.

At one point, when Adrisha had finally had enough, she turned to glare at him, only to have Aarav grab her by the shoulders and shake her playfully. “Come on, Aadu! Don’t be mad at me! I’m just trying to have some fun!” he pleaded, his voice laced with mock innocence.

Adrisha huffed in frustration, trying to keep a straight face, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. “Aarav, I swear, if you don’t stop—” she began, but Aarav cut her off by pulling her into a tight bear hug, lifting her slightly off the ground as she squirmed to get free.

“Put me down!” she demanded, her fists pounding against his chest, but Aarav only laughed, enjoying the game too much to stop. When he finally set her down, he took it a step further by playfully pulling on both her cheeks, stretching them until her face turned red.

Adrisha’s patience finally snapped. “Aarav, you’re impossible!” she cried, punching his chest harder this time. Aarav only chuckled in response, clearly unfazed.

From the side, Eshaanth watched the entire scene unfold, his expression unreadable. A strange, bitter feeling churned in his chest as he watched Aarav’s antics. Why are they so close? he wondered, his thoughts running in circles. Why on earth is that bothering me? It’s their life. He tried to convince himself to look away, to focus on something else, but his eyes betrayed him, constantly drifting back to Adrisha and Aarav.

When Aarav pulled Adrisha’s cheeks, making her frown in that adorable way she did when she was irritated, something in Eshaanth softened. He couldn’t help but notice how cute she looked, her cheeks flushed and her eyes narrowed in a playful glare. She was rubbing her sore cheeks, still scowling at Aarav, but there was a certain charm to her expression that he couldn’t ignore.

Get it together, Eshaanth, he scolded himself, turning away sharply, but the image of Adrisha’s cute pout lingered in his mind. It was a small moment, but one that left a lasting impression, even as the day continued.


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