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बराबर की टक्कर जब मोहब्बत में होती है, 

हर बहस में नफरत की जगह सच्चाई होती है। 

दिखने में चाहे हो तकरार का सिलसिला, 

मगर दिलों में छुपी होती है चाहत की बानगी।


Adrisha stepped into the Raichand mansion, a palace of unmatched grandeur that exuded both elegance and opulence. The mansion's entrance was marked by colossal, intricately carved wooden doors that opened into a vast foyer. The floors were paved with polished marble tiles, reflecting the ambient light from the grand crystal chandeliers hanging from the high, vaulted ceilings. Ornate rugs adorned the floor, while the walls were decorated with tasteful art pieces and family portraits encased in gold frames.

The air was fragrant with the scent of fresh roses and lilies from the floral arrangements placed strategically around the room. Adrisha, carrying an assortment of snacks, made her way through this breathtaking space, her steps echoing softly against the marble.

Amrita Raichand, a woman of grace and warmth, was the first to greet her. As Adrisha entered, Amrita’s face lit up with a genuine smile. She embraced Adrisha with open arms. “Adrisha, my dear, it’s such a delight to see you! How have you been?” Her tone was nurturing, embodying a motherly affection that made Adrisha feel right at home.

"Aunt, I am doing great! I have missed you so much," she hugged Amrita, who laughed.

Ambika Kapoor, who had a more sisterly bond with Adrisha, followed closely behind. Ambika’s pregnancy was evident, her rounded belly glowing with the health and vitality of her unborn child. Adrisha wrapped her arms around Ambika in a tight hug. “Ambika dii, how are you and the little one? I heard the baby shower is approaching. How exciting!” Adrisha’s voice was filled with warmth and genuine interest.

Ambika smiled, her eyes sparkling with maternal joy. “We’re doing wonderfully. The baby is quite active and healthy. The baby shower is next week; you must attend. I am just savoring these final few weeks before the big day. How about you, Adrisha? How’s everything on your end?”

“Of course I will attend it. And I am fine, just studying and keeping busy," Adrisha replied. “But I’m really looking forward to catching up with everyone. Where’s the rest of the gang?”

Amrita, gesturing towards the back of the mansion, replied, “They’re all out in the backyard. You know how they are—always up to some mischief.”

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Adrisha thanked them and made her way to the backyard. As she stepped outside, she was greeted by a picturesque scene. The backyard was a sprawling expanse of lush green lawns, meticulously manicured and dotted with vibrant flower beds. A large, ornate fountain bubbled serenely at the center, surrounded by comfortable seating areas and elegant garden statues. The setting was designed for both relaxation and lively gatherings.

Adrisha approached the group, who were engaged in animated conversation. Each member of the Tangled Tribe was engrossed in their own world, and their laughter and conversation created a lively atmosphere.

Standing behind them, Adrisha called out playfully, “Swagat nahi karo ki hamara?” Her voice carried sarcasm, but the suddenness of her arrival startled the group. They turned to see Adrisha’s mischievous smile and immediately recognized the impending fun.

(Will not you all welcome me?)

Without missing a beat, the group burst into a spontaneous sprint, their laughter blending with the sound of their feet thudding across the grass. Adrisha, with a playful glint in her eye, tossed off her converse out of her feet, taking it in her hand and joined the chase, her own laughter mingling with theirs.

She ran after them, yelling, "I will not leave you all today. I had to clean the whole pool area along with the equipment room."

As they darted around, the backyard turned into a chaotic playground. Aarav, Suhana, Prisha, Kaashvi, Anant, and Aadriti split into smaller groups, each attempting to outmaneuver Adrisha in their own playful ways. Aarav and Suhana led a charge towards the fountain, using it as a makeshift barricade. Prisha and Kaashvi darted between the flower beds, while Anant and Aadriti took advantage of the garden statues to dodge Adrisha’s pursuit.

"To kya go gya, aise to kuch krti nahi issi bahane tune kuch kaam toh kiya," Aarav said chuckling making her more angry.

(So what, at least you did some work; otherwise, you are always lazing around.)

"Tujhe to main abhi batati hu kutte, tune Soumya ko kya bola ki maine tujhe bola hai ki tu uska number le aaye, taki tu uske saath flirt kar sake," she yelled at him, throwing her converse at him.

(I will tell you right now, moron; you told Soumya that I wanted her number so you could flirt with her.)

Adrisha’s converse flew through the air, aimed at Aarav, who ducked skillfully, but the converse veered off course and struck Eshaanth Raichand, who had just arrived in the backyard, speaking on his phone. The sudden impact left Eshaanth momentarily stunned. He looked around in confusion, his phone slipping from his hand as he tried to grasp what had just happened.

The group’s laughter halted abruptly, replaced by a mix of shock and awkwardness. Adrisha’s eyes widened in horror as she realized the unintended consequence of her playful act. Eshaanth’s expression shifted from surprise to a steely glare. The tension in the backyard was palpable as everyone held their breath, waiting to see how Eshaanth would react.

Eshaanth looked like a raging bull, his eyes blazing with fury. For a moment, he couldn't quite comprehend what had just happened. The sharp pain at the back of his head confirmed it—someone had thrown a shoe at him. It was a perfect shot, hitting him squarely and hard. He turned around, his eyes scanning the room, but all he saw were wide-eyed faces, frozen in shock. Among them, Aarav and Suhana were especially tense, well aware of Eshaanth's infamous temper. Adrisha, however, remained hidden from his view, and in her panic, she didn't see him either.

"Who did this?" he demanded, his voice booming through the room like a thunderclap. "Who the hell threw that?" The rough, dark tone sent shivers down everyone's spines. The room felt like it shrank under the weight of his anger.

Adrisha, her heart pounding, prayed silently, "Hey Krishna, please bacha lo, maine jaan kar nahi kiya, aaj ye ganji aankho wale King Kong mujhe maar dalenge." hoping for divine intervention.

(Hey, Krishna, please save me; I did not do it on purpose. Today, King Kong is going to kill me.)

As if on cue, the crowd parted, revealing Adrisha. She stood there, head bowed, trying to make herself as small as possible. The playful tune of "Lag Gaye" played mockingly in her mind, contrasting sharply with the terror she felt.

"You?" Eshaanth's voice thundered as his eyes locked onto her. "You’ve got to be kidding me." He stormed forward, his towering frame even more intimidating up close. Without a second thought, he grabbed her arm in a vice-like grip, yanking her toward him. The anger radiating from him was palpable, making the air thick with tension.

Adrisha's breath caught in her throat. She was too stunned to speak, too frightened to move. As the reality of the situation sank in, she realized that Eshaanth Raichand, the man she had sparred with countless times, was not just a random encounter. He was the heir to the Raichand Group of Companies, the son of Amrita Aunt, and Aarav's brother—her best friend's brother. The gravity of her situation became all too clear.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" Eshaanth yelled, his voice a menacing growl. The harshness of his words was matched only by the painful squeeze of his hand on her arm. Adrisha winced, her eyes welling up with tears as pain and fear washed over her. No one had ever spoken to her like this, and the experience was terrifying. Her hazel eyes, now brimming with tears, met his stormy grey ones, a silent plea for mercy.

For a brief moment, Eshaanth's expression faltered. The sight of her tear-filled eyes made something in his chest tighten painfully. The raw vulnerability in her gaze stirred an unexpected pang of guilt within him. He immediately loosened his grip, though the anger in his eyes did not waver. "Is this some kind of joke to you?" he continued, his voice quieter but still laced with fury.

"Bhai, leave her! She’s my best friend. It was a mistake; she was throwing the converse at me," Aarav intervened, stepping between them. He pulled Adrisha into his arms, gently separating her from Eshaanth. The older brother reluctantly released his hold, still fuming but unable to ignore Aarav's plea.

Aarav wrapped Adrisha in a protective hug, rubbing her back soothingly. To him, she was more than just a friend; she was like a younger sister, someone he cared for deeply. Adrisha clung to him, burying her face in his chest as she sought refuge from the storm of emotions. The safety of his embrace was a stark contrast to the fear she had just felt.

Eshaanth watched them, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. A strange, unfamiliar sensation bubbled up within him—jealousy. Seeing her in Aarav's arms, so close and protected, made his blood boil. He couldn't understand why, but the sight of her with his brother felt like a knife twisting in his gut. "Don't think this is over," he muttered darkly, glaring at them. "Stay out of my sight if you know what's good for you."

Unable to bear the scene any longer, he turned on his heel and stormed out, his footsteps echoing through the hall as he left the room with a heavy silence in his wake.


An hour had passed since the incident, and Adrisha found herself still reeling from the intensity of the confrontation with Eshaanth. The initial shock had begun to fade, replaced by a deep sense of frustration and self-reproach. She couldn't believe she had let fear get the better of her, allowing Eshaanth to intimidate her so completely. It wasn't just the fact that she had been scared; it was the realization that she had reacted impulsively, throwing a shoe in a moment of frustration. The act seemed so foolish now, a childish response that had only escalated the situation.

Adrisha's embarrassment was compounded by guilt. She knew she had acted recklessly and that her actions had contributed to the tension. The sharp sting of regret gnawed at her, and she couldn't shake the image of Eshaanth's furious expression and the forceful grip he had used on her arm. The bruises forming on her skin were a painful reminder of the encounter. It wasn't just the physical pain that bothered her; it was the way he had looked at her, as if she were beneath him. His arrogance and aggression had left her feeling humiliated and small.

Despite her anger at Eshaanth, Adrisha couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for disrupting the gathering. She had always valued her friendships and didn't want to ruin the evening for anyone else. With that thought, she plastered on a smile, trying to appear unaffected. The conversations continued, but the atmosphere was strained, a far cry from the lively banter that had filled the room earlier.

Adrisha stayed for a while, participating in the conversation but barely engaging. Her mind was elsewhere, replaying the events of the past hour and wrestling with her emotions. She felt a sharp pang of resentment toward Eshaanth, not only for his harsh words and actions but also for making her feel this way. It was infuriating that he had the power to affect her so deeply, and she vowed never to give him that satisfaction again.

Finally, the weight of her emotions became too much to bear, and Adrisha decided it was time to leave. She made a polite excuse, her voice steady but lacking its usual warmth. Her friends nodded in understanding, their concern evident but unspoken. As she walked out of Raichand Mansion, she felt a strange mix of relief and sadness. The mansion, which had once felt welcoming, now felt oppressive and uninviting.

Once home, Adrisha sank into her bed, feeling the tension drain from her body. The events of the evening played over in her mind, each memory stinging like a fresh wound. The bruises on her arm throbbed dully, a physical manifestation of her emotional turmoil. She pulled the covers around her tightly, trying to find comfort in the familiar surroundings of her room.

As she lay there, Adrisha made a decision. The humiliation and anger she felt were too overwhelming to ignore. She couldn't face Eshaanth again, not after the way he had treated her. The thought of stepping foot in Raichand Mansion filled her with dread, and she resolved never to go back. The incident had shown her a side of Eshaanth that she couldn't tolerate, and she needed to protect herself from his volatile behavior. For her own peace of mind and self-respect, she decided to avoid the mansion altogether. With this resolution, she hoped to regain control of her life and emotions, moving forward without the shadow of this unpleasant encounter.


During the get-together, Eshaanth was visibly distracted. His mind was consumed with guilt and self-reproach. The earlier incident with Adrisha had left him shaken. He could still see the look of terror on her face and the red mark he had left on her arm. Eshaanth had always prided himself on his control, but tonight, he had lost it completely. The fact that he had been so aggressive, especially with a woman, was something he had n ever imagined he was capable of.

As the hours passed, Eshaanth tried to immerse himself back into the party, but his thoughts kept drifting to Adrisha. He noticed her absence when he returned to the party area after a few hours. The tension was palpable as he saw Aarav and Suhana’s angry glares and the disappointed expressions on the faces of other guests. The realization that Adrisha had left because of him was a heavy blow. The disapproval in the room was unmistakable, and Eshaanth felt a sinking sense of isolation. He knew he had crossed a line, and the consequences were now evident.

Aarav was visibly upset, had resolved to confront Eshaanth. Adrisha was more than just a friend to him; she was almost like family. He couldn’t stand to see her treated so poorly and were determined to make Eshaanth understand the gravity of his actions.

The next morning, the atmosphere at the breakfast table was charged with tension. Ambika, Aniket, and Suhana left for their mansion without having breakfast because they were in a hurry. The Tangled Tribe members departed last night, not wanting to enjoy their time without Adrisha.

Eshaanth, trying to act nonchalant, asked Aarav to pass the juice. Aarav, however, ignored him completely, his face a mask of cold detachment. Amrita and Rishan, noticed the strained interaction but chose to remain silent, sensing that something significant had transpired.

Amrita, trying to bridge the silence, asked with concern, "When did Adrisha leave, Aaru? She didn’t come to meet me. I was expecting her to stay for the movie night."

Aarav, clearly frustrated, responded sharply, "Ask Bhai. He’s the reason she left."

Amrita’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? What happened?"

Aarav’s voice was steady but tinged with anger. "Mom, Bhai talked to Adrisha very rudely. She left the mansion after that."

Amrita’s eyes widened in shock. "What? What did you do to her, Eshaanth?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief and concern.

Eshaanth, feeling cornered, tried to defend himself. "If you’re going to snitch, at least do it properly. You should have mentioned that your so-called best friend threw a shoe at me."

Aarav, his frustration palpable, retorted, "That was a mistake. She was throwing the shoe at me because we had pranked her and made her clean the pool and equipment room as punishment. It was a prank gone wrong, but how you treated her was completely unacceptable. I’m really disappointed in you."

Eshaanth’s anger flared. "Oh, you’re disappointed in me? Well, I’m disappointed in you for your choice of friends. How can you even associate with someone like her? She doesn’t have basic manners."

Amrita’s voice rose, her disappointment clear. "Stop it, Eshaanth. Is this what I’ve taught you? I’ve always emphasized the importance of respecting everyone, and you’ve disrespected the girl I hold in the highest regard. She is one of the sweetest girls I have ever known."

Eshaanth, seething, shot back, "Mom, she’s anything but sweet and innocent. She’s deceiving all of you."

Amrita, now fully engaged, said firmly, "Stop right there, Eshaanth Raichand. Don’t try to teach me about judging people. I know how to assess character. You will apologize to Adrisha. What happened was a mistake, and knowing your temper, you must have said something to upset her."

Eshaanth’s face hardened. "I won’t apologize. If anyone should apologize, it should be her," he declared defiantly. He pushed back his chair, stood up abruptly, and stormed out of the dining room.

The room fell into a heavy silence. Amrita and Rishan exchanged worried glances, their concern evident. Aarav and Suhana looked disheartened, their anger mingled with a sense of helplessness. The breakfast, which was usually a time for family bonding, had turned into a battleground of emotions. Eshaanth’s refusal to apologize and his harsh remarks about Adrisha had hurt not only her but also deeply disappointed those who cared for him. The family, now divided by the events of the morning, was left grappling with a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness.


Eshaanth slammed the door to his room with a resounding thud, the sound echoing his inner turmoil. The room’s dim lighting and shadowed corners seemed to mirror his mood perfectly—dark and brooding. With a sense of reckless abandon, he hurled a glass decoration from the center table against the wall, the shards scattering like fragments of his shattered composure. His anger, unrestrained and fierce, surged within him, demanding release.

His gaze fell on the charm bracelet lying innocuously on the side table. The sight of it—so small, yet so significant—intensified his frustration. Without a moment’s hesitation, he marched over, grabbed the bracelet, and flung it out of the window with a forceful gesture. As it sailed through the air, Eshaanth felt a fleeting sense of liberation, but it was quickly overshadowed by the heavy weight of his emotions.

The bracelet, a symbol of Adrisha's presence, had somehow become a focal point of his inner conflict. Never had his younger brother looked at him with such disappointment, a look that cut deeper than any criticism. The disapproval in his parents’ eyes, all because of this girl, was almost too much to bear. Eshaanth had never experienced such a profound resentment towards anyone. The girl he had just met had somehow managed to unravel him completely.

He collapsed onto his bed, his breaths coming in deep, measured gulps as he tried to calm the tempest within. The initial pang of guilt had been overtaken by a more visceral emotion—anger. It was all-consuming, leaving no room for anything else. Eshaanth lay there in silence, his mind a swirling storm of conflicting feelings.

After what felt like an eternity of lying there, he finally stirred. Driven by an impulse he couldn’t quite understand, he got up and made his way to the backyard. He searched methodically for the area beneath his window, driven by a need to retrieve the charm bracelet he had discarded. The search was painstaking; each moment felt like an eternity as he sifted through the debris, his frustration mounting.

Finally, he spotted the gleam of the bracelet amidst the grass. With a mix of relief and reluctance, he picked it up, the metal cool and smooth against his skin. As he pocketed it, he couldn’t shake the feeling that this small, seemingly insignificant object held more weight than he had ever anticipated.

Leaving the mansion, Eshaanth’s mind was a tumultuous sea of unresolved emotions. Despite his attempts to deny it, his heart had made its choice. The fact that he had gone to such lengths to recover the bracelet spoke volumes. Even though he was desperate to convince himself otherwise, he cared. He cared more than he was willing to admit for the girl he tried so hard to dislike.

As he walked away from the mansion, the charm bracelet nestled close to his heart, Eshaanth was confronted with a bitter truth. He was fighting against feelings he couldn’t fully understand, emotions he hadn’t planned for. The bracelet was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a symbol of the complex, tangled emotions he felt for Adrisha—feelings he was only beginning to confront.

In the quiet of his departure, Eshaanth came to a reluctant realization: if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of retrieving the bracelet. And if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t be plagued by the tumultuous conflict stirring within him. The journey ahead was long and fraught with obstacles, but one thing was clear—Eshaanth was far from indifferent. His heart had chosen, and though he might struggle to accept it, the girl he thought he disliked had already made a mark on him that he couldn’t ignore.

In the darkness of his soul, amidst the turmoil of his emotions, he failed to recognize the voice of his heart.

A heart so fierce, yet bound by chains,

A longing hidden in the dark remains. 

Denial dances in the shadows' sway, 

Yet love whispers softly, finding its way.


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