03 ~ Crown Prince Of Magadh

"The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. You are my dream come true. You are my prince charming."


My life suddenly took an unexpected turn, I was happy working on my documentary, making assumptions about the lifestyle of the Royal Family. Currently, I find myself in the same location as 800 years ago, working in the kitchen and assisting with the preparations for the royal feast that is scheduled to take place tonight in honor of the prince's arrival today.

I don't know a single thing about cooking, I lived in a hostel since my parents passed away, and when my mother was alive she never allowed me in the kitchen due to my disastrous cooking skills. All I can cook is fried rice and Maggie, which Kiran taught me. But look at me right now. I am wearing a traditional Indian dress and helping other attendees in the kitchen. Yesterday, Maya briefed me about my duties, which are doing whatever the head chef says.

I am so grateful to Maya for giving me these clothes, even though I would much rather be in my cozy pajamas. I can not wear them here for fear that people will think I am a fool or, worse, a spy. I have not even given my plans a second thought because I have been so busy since yesterday morning.

If I am logical, then this is the best opportunity for me to get information about the history of Magadh. And I will take advantage of this opportunity. My plan at this moment is to gather information and sneak into the prince's chamber.

I have to use extreme caution, but I am positive that the armor is what caused this unwanted time travel. I need to gain the trust of these people first. They don't trust me because, according to them, I belong to another kingdom, and I am still loyal to my kingdom. And that Commander he doesn't trust me, yesterday when we were serving dinner to the Royals, I felt his eyes on me. Given a chance, he will throw me in the dungeon.

I was lost in my thoughts till I heard the sound of drums and trumpets. Everyone in the kitchen started running toward the main entrance. According to a participant, the prince reached Magadh's boundaries. Everyone was going to welcome the prince.

I am not sure why, but as I was approaching the palace's main entrance, my heart began to race. It has always been my desire to have been born in this era. I felt an unfamiliar heat rush through my veins while thinking about the prince. Today, I will finally see a real prince.

Everyone was standing there waiting for the prince and then we saw him. He rode up on a dark horse. Though I was not able to see him, I could tell that he was tall and quite muscular.

He reached the main entrance of the palace and stepped down from his horse. His aura was majestic, and every single soul present there was mesmerized. His dazzling aura surrounded us. The crowd present there was hailing loudly for their prince.

He approached his parents, greeted them with folded hands, and then touched their feet in respect to receive their blessings. Following his aarti, the Queen gave him a warm embrace. The king did remarry, and I believe he now has three wives, including his late wife. I am not sure when he remarried—perhaps after Queen Sumitra died or while she was still alive.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I stared at him. I could not see anything but his back. He had shoulder-length dark black hair. He had a broad set of shoulders and a very muscular build. He must have eight packs or more, damn you. I would like to see that body. Goddamn, do not forget that he is an enemy. It is his bloody armor that has brought me here. However, there is nothing wrong with finding him admirable. I find him visually appealing. My subconscious made fun of me.

I caught a glimpse of his face, but it was not very clear, and I was restless because I wanted to see his face. With everyone else, I returned to the kitchen, but my thoughts remained fixed on the prince. What on earth is wrong with me? He was already playing tricks on my mind before I could even see him clearly. No, Ruhi, just pay attention to the plan.

The evening had come, and the feast was underway. The villagers were eating the delicious food we had prepared and blessing the prince. They appear to adore him greatly. Perhaps he was a good man. The royals had already eaten lunch, as they began the feast by eating first.

Maya arrived at suppertime and instructed me to serve the royal family. Despite her sweetness, Maya is very demanding at work. I was afraid because I was really uncoordinated. What if I make a mistake? Pulling myself together, I headed toward the dining room with the other guests.

Everyone was seated when we arrived, so we got to work serving. Suddenly, I sensed something off, and when I looked up from the plate I was serving, my heart skipped a beat. For some reason, I knew it had to be him. I knew it was him for no apparent reason, even though I could not see his face clearly during the welcome ceremony.

I looked up to meet Prince Dev Pratap Singh's green eyes, and for the first time, I forgot I was breathing. He was staring straight at me. His green eyes enthralled me; he was a living Greek god.

My mouth dropped open in shock, and I found myself gazing into his seductively attractive face the entire time as my heart pounded violently in my chest. I am not sure what was happening to me, but his eyes were doing something. I felt a plethora of emotions just by looking into his gaze. He was splendid. His olive-green eyes were emotionless and hollow. He seemed to be staring right into my soul.

What is that? I find myself wanting to gaze at him for longer. I had a deep connection to him. I was only focusing on him as my surroundings became hazy. Somewhere I could hear mellow music being played.

His seductive green eyes would not just stop staring at me, making me feel weak and dizzy and stopping my brain from working. At that moment, I forgot that I was supposed to be an attendee, and I was serving his dinner.

I broke eye contact with him as I heard a voice, jolting me back to reality. I turned to face the person who had spoken. A princess, she wore diamond jewelry and a yellow lehenga embellished with jari work that must have cost a fortune. She had a small face that was very attractive, with plump cheeks, dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and plum-pink lips. Had it not been for her yelling at me, perhaps she would have looked prettier.

"Don't you know how to do your work properly? You splattered food onto his dish. Who the hell gave you this work? Is this the way you serve your prince, Maya? Tell another attendee to serve us and take her to the river she will stand in the cold water till morning. Only then will she learn her lesson. Go now, get out." First, she roared at me, then at Maya.

Never having heard someone yell at me quite like this, I was terrified. I drew back as she gave me a menacing glare, seemingly ready to take my life. My eyes began to well up with tears. Another attendee came and took the vessel from my hands from which I was serving earlier. Maya grabbed my wrist and began pulling me along. My gaze fell once more upon his, staring at me indifferently. I averted my eyes and began to follow Maya.

All I could think about that night, waiting for the sun to come up while standing in the chilly water, was how much I wanted to go back. I thought Maya was my friend, but she did not say anything to me. I was missing my parents. I wanted to run and hide somewhere because I was afraid of the water, but Maya, the head maid of Magadh, was watching over me.

But above all of this, I could not help but notice his gaze; he was staring at me as though he had something important to say. Was I imagining this?

I wish I could find my home soon.


So, they met for the first time.

Don't worry, Ruhi will find her home soon.

As I said, it is a slow burn.

Be patient and keep voting.

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