01 ~ Beginning

"Even in the loneliest moments, I have been there for myself."


Well, life is full of surprises, is not it? I was contentedly living with my parents and grandparents a few years ago. My life was full of unicorns and rainbows. I was the only child of my parents. They loved me beyond anything. They used to call me the fruit of their love. I was blessed with a loving family, including grandparents and parents who were perfect.

However, I lost everything, and my picture-perfect, happy world broke like a mirror in an instant. Now, I am left alone in this world with their remembrances, yearning for them. They left me, I was the only one who survived that accident. They left me alone to prevail and endure this agony lifelong.

I wish I was also dead. It was never easy for me to survive in this world as an introvert, but somehow, I did. Maybe my parents are proud of me. Knowing that my parents would want me to be happy made me learn how to smile once again. This past month, I received my filmmaking diploma.

My only friends are Kiran and Suhani. They are the reason I am still surviving. They pulled me out of depression. I met them during my graduation. I was at my lowest when I met them. I used to ignore them like the plague. But they stood by my side, ignoring my rude and insensitive behavior. They cared for me like I was their child. Loving me, taking care of my necessities, teaching me, and disciplining me whenever I was wrong. They are the kind of friends everyone requires in their life. They are my gem.

We are right now working on a documentary. I have always been fascinated by the history of our country. It was so glamorous. our culture, traditions, rituals, clothes, music, monuments, and the list goes on. I always wished I was a princess. Seriously, I wish I was born in that era. I want to experience it, I know, I know I am thinking of the inconceivable.

My grandmother would frequently tell me tales about princes and princesses when I was a child. It was intriguing. I always wondered how they would look, talk, and behave. I would watch historical films and try to copy them. I wanted a Prince Charming like those princesses.

"Ruhi," Oh shit I am late. Kiran will kill me. We need to go to the palace today. We are gonna film the palace for our documentary.

"Yes, sorry guys, let's go." We set out walking towards the palace, as we were staying close to it and did not require a taxi.

According to the archeologists, this palace was made by the king of Magadh during the 1200s. Even after 800 years, the design of the palace is just fascinating. This palace is under the government of India. They have converted it into a museum.

After spending the whole morning with my homies working on our documentary, we decided to take a break and then look around the palace for the other part of the film. This time, we decided to go separately as we were playing more rather than working.

Walking around, I came across the bedroom. Glancing at the notice board, I knew that it belonged to the Crown Prince of Magadh ~ Prince Dev Pratap Singh. How did they know that it belonged to the Prince?

The chamber was astounding. The wall designs were really exquisite. I could picture this place when the aforementioned Prince called it home. It has a large pool-equipped bathroom. There is a large window in the living area that overlooks the royal garden. There is also a large bedroom. There was a library, so perhaps the prince had an affinity for reading? The notice board has it written on it, so do not ask how I know.

I find the interior designs to be captivating. That prince was truly fortunate. I would have married him if I had been born in that era. In order for me to occupy this chamber. As I moved inside, I noticed a tiny, closed entrance. I opened the door and took a look around; the place appeared to be a practice area. Maybe the Prince practiced fencing here.

I scanned my surroundings and took the photos needed for our documentary. Suddenly I heard the ringtone of my phone and I took the call as it was my kuki. I mean, Kiran Kuki is her nickname.

Ah, I see now. It is 4:30 already, and the palace closes at 5:00. I really should go. As I hurried to the door, my sleeve got caught in a tiny piece of wood in the library. I attempted to untangle it, but all of a sudden the bookshelf there began to move. There emerged a small door.

My eyes dart around the tiny door and I frown. What on earth is this? Don't tell me I found the secret treasure. Even though I am wealthy, this is a true accomplishment. I attempted to open it, but it appears to be stuck. My phone was ringing nonstop. I checked the time. There were just five minutes remaining. I have to leave, but I will return the next day. I shifted the bookshelf back.

Although they were conversing on our way back, my thoughts were glued to that door, and I felt a wave of curiosity sweep through me. They became suspicious because I was disoriented the entire time. I tried to behave normally. I didn't want to hide it from them, but they would definitely stop me if I told them about it.

I attempted to fall asleep, but my thoughts were always focused on the door. I was even attempting to open that door subconsciously. Something has woken inside me because of the mysterious door. I just wanted to find the treasure.

The next day, I was up and ready before both of them, which trust me, happened for the first time. Both Suhani and Kiran were shocked. They were incredibly theatrical. All I want to do is peek behind that door. Thank God, when I suggested that we each work individually, they agreed.

I do not know why, but I felt like Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter as I started to move toward the chamber. Don't mind. I am a Potter head. What if there is a snake? That is fiction, Ruhi. What are you thinking?

I reached there and clicked the shelf, and the door appeared. No, it was not simple; it took me two hours to figure out that this was opened by pulling a tiny button-like object. The door was jammed when I attempted to open it, but I eventually succeeded after much effort. If you think I am not scared, you are mistaken. It was very dark when I walked inside. I am about to shit.

It is very dark in here—pitch black. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I noticed a statue when I looked around. Although it was extremely frightening, I could not stop wondering why nobody could open it.

As I moved in closer, I realized that the sculpture was not a statue at all but rather gold-plated armor. I think it belonged to the prince.

Curiosity overcame my logical thinking, and I touched it. Abruptly, the chamber was flooded with sounds, and I noticed a blinding gleam emanating from behind the armor. My grip on the phone tightened as I walked towards it. What on earth is going on?

The flash was now hurting my eyes. I started walking toward it slowly. I am not sure what happened, but it felt like there was an invisible string dragging me in its direction. The more steps I took toward it, the more I felt the pull. It was drawing me in like a magnet and suckling my soul.

I was drawn into that light before I had a chance to think or understand anything. My ears were full of sounds, and my mind was full of different images, like a movie.

My eyes opened, and I felt very strange. My whole body was paining. My thoughts were empty. I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. It looked like the prince's chamber, and I knew I was in the palace. However, compared to the morning, it looked completely different and was well-furnished.

Upon rising from the ground, I surveyed the fully furnished and decorated room. What is happening? Am I dreaming?

As I started to go outside, I noticed people working in the garden through the living area window. What caught my attention was that they were dressed traditionally. What is happening?

"Where am I?"


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Ruhanika is a curious cat.

Next, our hero will join the story.

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